Planning and preparedness
ELIFORT works in close cooperation with stakeholders to develop and implement plans and procedures to manage threats, emergencies and disasters. We base the plans on an objective analysis of the risks and focus on performance. Our plans and procedures work because they take into account the nature, culture and capabilities of each organization, building on the strengths and incrementally improving weaknesses. We have developed plans and procedures for a wide range of threats and organizations, including for example government ministries, first responders, nuclear power plants, military units, chemical and petrochemical facilities, drinking water suppliers, transport organizations and electrical distributors.
ELIFORT develops and implements logical and progressive training programs based on needs, from front line workers to senior managers. We cover training in the following main areas:
Emergency management
Disaster risk management
Emergency decision-making
Public communications
Accident and disaster assessment
Incident Command System
Nuclear terrorism
ELIFORT develops, conducts and evaluates emergency exercises and drills, from table top (TTX) to command post (CPX) to full scale exercises (FSX). Our exercise management methodology and tools allow for the rigorous design of exercises that meet a well-defined set of performance objectives, based on a comprehensive performance-based preparedness and response program for each organization. We incorporate simulation aspects, including virtual reality, to complement realistic action-based scenarios. We have developed and conducted exercises in over 20 countries in fields such as nuclear emergency response, counterterrorism, nuclear smuggling, veterinarian and human pandemics, CBRN and major public event management.
Audit and peer reviews
ELIFORT can review and evaluate your plans and arrangements for managing emergencies and crisis situations. Reviews are conducted by international peer experts on the basis of internationally accepted standards. ELIFORT takes into account specificities of the organization and focuses on the ability to perform emergency functions in an effective way. Our reviews are not a check-box assessment of what is in place; they are an evaluation of the ability of the organization to respond to realistic situations based on the appropriate and effective use of the tools, personnel and facilities available. Audits and reviews identify best practices that should be built upon and shares with other like-minded organizations, as well as areas where improvements are required. Gaps are classified as minor, major or critical, each requiring corrective actions according to a timeline that depends on the severity of the gap. Reports are confidential or can be shared with the public, depending on the wishes of the organization being evaluated.
System design and equipment supply
ELIFORT works with organizations to design and implement systems, tools, instruments and components to equip the emergency organization with the means required to execute all its critical emergency functions. Systems include, for example, Emergency Operations Centres, sensors network, communications systems and decision support systems. Equipments range from individual detectors, ,such as radiation sensors, to mobile CBRN labs. ELIFORT does not sell equipment and therefore remains objective about the pros and cons of all suppliers; hence, ELIFORT is able to work with the client to identify the best and most effective equipment solutions for the needs. ELIFORT can also help procure the equipment, install it and validate its operational readiness.